Louisiana Security Guard License Qualifications

If you are wondering how to become a Security Guard in Louisiana, there are some simple steps a person must follow. First, the minimum age of security guards in Louisiana is 18, and 21 for armed security guards. The Louisiana State Board of Private Security Examiners is the agency that oversees the security guard training process. Initial requirements consist of a minimum of 16 course hours. These hours will cover the primary responsibilities of security guards, as well as laws and regulations a person working security needs to be familiar with. For armed guards they must also take a firearms course. Louisiana requires refresher courses yearly for their officers working security.

Guard Training for New Orleans & Baton Rouge Security

The security guard training itself, which is necessary to obtain a license, is completed in two, eight hour segments. These courses need to be taken through Louisiana state approved trainers/schools. The best way of finding an approved instructor or program is to call the board office directly for a list of area programs. They will assist in ensuring that the security guard training course you sign up for will meet the official state requirements. This will save you time and money. The security guard course instructor will usually walk you through the rest of the process of being licensed, often providing the applications as well. Once the training programs are complete, a person also needs to be fingerprinted and fill out an application which gets process through the Louisiana Board of Private Security. Once all these steps are complete, and if all are done properly with each portion being passed, a person will receive their permanent registration card. This card is valid for 2 years from the date listed as hired on the application itself. It is important to renew in time so that you don’t end up having to start the process from the beginning.

Security Guard Jobs in New Orleans Louisiana

Please note that the only way a person can obtain their Louisiana security guard license is if they are actively working for a security company. Therefore, it is important to apply to companies first and obtain a job prior to enrolling in a security guard training course. Part of the application is showing where you are employed. In some ways this is a benefit for some people. It prevents people from wasting money on a program prior to getting a job in the profession. If they were never able to get hired the course would have been a waste of time and money for that individual. The top areas for Louisiana security guard jobs are New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Shreveport and Metairie. New Louisiana ensures that all licensed security guards are gainfully employed.