While the specific security guard duties vary depending on the assignment, there are a few duties that are similar across the industry. A security guard is the eyes and ears of the client they work for. In addition to detecting and addressing security threats, security guards have the important duty of enforcing the rules before problems occur.
The Top 6 Security Guard Duties
- Keeping the premises secure
Your client wants their building and land kept safe. They want people who set foot on their property kept safe too along with their personal property. Keeping property and people safe means developing a plan to keep the premises secure. You must assesses the client’s needs and implement a plan for security.
For example, your client may want to monitor who comes and goes from their property. You may be assigned at a post in order to track who enters and leaves the location and check for access rights. You might check identification, and you might check in visitors. When there are questions of access, it’s up to you to determine how to respond. The client may need exceptions for emergency personnel, and there may be special protocol for VIPs. It’s up to you to learn these rules and follow them.
Part of keeping the premises secure may mean keeping doors locked. It may mean monitoring cameras to check for unauthorized access. You may need to assess where you need to station personnel. You might be part of checking for weapons or contraband on individuals who try to enter the facility. First and foremost, a security guard does the routine work of keeping the premises safe from unauthorized access. This happens by monitoring the individuals who come in and out of the facility and making sure entrances are secure.
- Performing routine checks
Most security guards make rounds to make sure that the property is secure. This means walking around the facility to make sure that doors are shut and locked. It means making sure that you travel through all of the major parts of a facility to check for unusual or unauthorized activities. You might have a checklist to complete that affirms that you’ve checked certain doors, gates and locations. Routine checks help you spot activity that may need further investigation.
- Escalating severe problems
Eventually, every security guard notices something unusual. When something unusual occurs, it’s your duty to react appropriately. This might mean approaching the individual involved and telling them that they’re breaking the rules. It might mean asking someone to leave the property. In extreme cases, you may need to summon law enforcement.
- Report writing
When incidents happen, you need to create a report. In most cases, you write a narrative that describes what happened, who was involved and provides the contact information of those involved. The company keeps this information in order to monitor the situation, the individuals involved and take further steps to maintain security as needed.
- Cleaning things up and handling emergencies
In some cases, a security threat isn’t caused by people. A weather event might happen on the property. Animals might cause damage. Trees might fall down where they’re a hazard. When this happens, it’s up to you to step in and clean up so that patrons and employees are safe.
The duties of a security guard include emergency response. When an emergency happens, people look to you as an authority figure in order to find out what to do. You have to be ready to summon police or medical first respondent. You need to be able to direct people to safety. In some cases, you also need to administer first aid.
- In-service training
A security guard’s duties almost always include in-service training. This training may be specific to the job or if might be information that applies generally to the profession. As a security guard, it’s your obligation to stay up on the latest protocol and best practices in your industry. Keeping current on your skills allows you to provide great service to the people that you serve.
Variation in Security Guard Duties
When you become a security guard, no two days are alike. However, your security guard duties are to act as the eyes and ears of your client. It’s your job to enforce the rules in order to minimize risks. When problems occur, it’s your job to know how to appropriately respond.
A security guard’s duties include being able to read and write clearly to make reports. You may need to relay information to a supervisor or to an emergency respondent. Your security guard duties include performing routine tasks to ensure security for your client and responding appropriately when things happen that are out of the ordinary.

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