Security Guard License in Idaho

Unlike most states, Idaho does not have state licensing requirements for security guards. Therefore, if you are wishing to become a security guard in Idaho, your best option is to simply apply to security guard job openings. Upon being hired the company will inform you of any city requirements, or company requirements for security guard training and further certification. In all states a person must have graduated high school, be a minimum of 18 and have a clean background check. This is also true of Idaho. Some cities in Idaho do have city laws regarding certification or licensing. Boise, for example, does have licensing procedure for private security. The city clerk is in charge of processing these application procedures. That is another avenue a person can take when looking into security work in Idaho, simply contacting the city clerk’s office in the city you are looking to find work as security. They can inform you about any local requirements and procedures.

For those wishing to work armed security in Idaho the process is similar, in some ways, to the unarmed security guard process. Licensing and procedures in Idaho are set by local city government and need to be handled through the city clerk’s office. Just as in most states, Idaho requires armed guards to be a minimum of 21 years old. There are training and permits required to carry a weapon on the job in any city in Idaho. It can take several months to actually receive official clearance, so prepare yourself for a wait and lots of hoops to jump through. It may, however, be financially worth the wait and sacrifice, as armed guards are often paid higher than unarmed security officers. Check with your local county for guidance on what is required, or contact a security company for further guidance on the process. Again, often it may be best to apply for jobs first, and allow them to assist you in determining the route of training necessary within your region of Idaho.

Requirements in different counties may range from having to produce proof of insurance, driver’s license, social security guard, or other forms of identification, to having to complete security guard training course hours. Often the requirements between cities are very similar with only very small difference. All of the major requirements, however, are very similar to other states across the country.

If you live in the Boise ID area, the following city clerk’s website may be a great resource: