The field of security is an important part of the economy. Companies need security guards for a great many reasons. They need people who can help guard people in potentially dangerous situations. They also need employees who can make sure that the items they sell or hold temporarily are safe. A security guard may be called upon to do all sorts of tasks. Qualified people who know how to get everything done well are a must. Many people find this field that can help them use their talents to the fullest. If you are thinking about becoming a security guard, you’ll want to do your homework in detail before you begin. It’s essential to know what to expect before you apply for a job. Keep in mind this is field that is growing now and likely to see additional further growth in the future.
Using Teamwork
If you are planning to apply for a job as a security guard, one of things you might be asked about is your ability to be part of a team. Security guards often work as part of a much larger group of people. For example, you might be part of several people on the job at your work. You might also be assigned to work directly with another security guard. A company may ask if you about any specific background you have in working as a member of team in the past. Keep in mind a scenario where you have done well and worked with other staffers at a previous job.
Physical Danger
Another area that may be of concern when you are on the job is how you handle physical danger. Being a security guard may require you to deal with the threat of physical violence. You’ll want to think about how you have worked with situations that may have been potentially dangerous in the past. For example, if you worked as a life guard, you might have needed to be able to confront the possibility of shark attacks or attacks by jellyfish. Think about any past jobs that you’ve held that may have had some element of physical danger in some way. Reach back and remember exactly how you dealt with it.
Working with the Public
As a security guard, you might have to deal with the public. You’ll often be dealing with people who might have questions about what you do and why you do it. Think about any prior customer service experience. If you’ve spent some time dealing directly with the public such as working a fast food job, chances are you’ve developed skills that you can apply to this new job as a security guard.
Angry People
While some members of the public are simply curious about what a security guard does, others may be upset. For example, you might have to tell them that they can’t have access to their assets because they are in transit. Think about how you retained emotional control during that time. You want the potential employer to understand that you are capable of thinking rationally and dealing with people calmly even they are under great emotional strain. When you can describe such a scenario in great detail, you’ll be a memorable candidate likely to find the employment you want.
The Use of Downtime
While being a security guard can be fraught with periods when things speed up, there may also be long periods when you’re not doing anything. As a security officer, you might be called on to go from having nothing to do at all to being able to respond quickly to a situation in progress that needs your immediate attention. You want to convey to the person interviewing you that you can respond well and rise to the challenge when it is presented to you on the job.
Computer Literacy
All fields are facing new technological requirements. The same is true of the security field. You might be asked if you are comfortable using technology. On the job, you might need to be comfortable with inputting lots of data during the course of your day on the job. You want to show that you are familiar with computer programs of all kinds. If you have particular training in a specific program, now is the time to bring it up.
Your Knowledge of CPR
Sometimes being a security guard means dealing with a population that is not as healthy as many other members of the community. You might be asked if you are familiar with medical systems designed to provide immediate aid such as CPR or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If you have such skills, you might want to bring them up during the course of the security guard interview.

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